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Welcome to the website (the "Site"), owned by MARZOTTO LAB SRL - registered office in Largo Santa Margherita, 36078 Valdagno (VI) - Vicenza Company Reg., REA VI 365084, Share capital € 10,000. 000 iv , Fiscal Code and VAT IT-03921000240, company with sole shareholder, PEC [ MLab ].

Access to and use of the Site presupposes the reading, knowledge and acceptance of these General Conditions of Use by the user. If you do not agree, in whole or in part, with the General Conditions of Use of the Site, please do not use it and do not access it.

Intellectual Property Rights

The contents present on the Site, such as, by way of example, the works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material, in any format, published on the Site itself, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts and Site design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and the software that are part of the Site are protected by copyright and by any other intellectual property right of MLab or any third parties contracted by the same. The reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of the Site and its contents is prohibited, without the express written consent of MLab.

The user is only authorized to view the Site and its contents by using the related services available therein. The user is also authorized to carry out all those other acts of temporary reproduction, with no economic significance of their own, which are considered transient or accessory, an integral and essential part of the same visualization and use of the Site and its contents and all other navigation operations on the Site that are performed only for legitimate use of the same. The user is in no way authorized to make any reproduction, on any medium, in whole or in part of the Site and its contents. Any act of reproduction must be, from time to time, authorized by MLab or, if necessary, by the authors of the individual works contained in the Site. These reproduction operations must in any case be carried out for lawful purposes and in compliance with copyright and of the other intellectual property rights of MLab and of the authors of the individual works contained on the Site. The authors of individual works published on the Site have, at any time, the right to claim authorship of their own works and to oppose any distortion, mutilation or other modification of the works themselves including any act of damage caused to the works, which is prejudicial to their honor or reputation. The user undertakes to respect the copyright of the artists who have chosen to publish their works on the Site. Furthermore, the user is not, under any circumstances, authorized to use, in any way or form, the contents of the Site and every single work protected by copyright and by any other intellectual property right, any alteration or modification of the contents and protected works being inhibited without the consent of MLab and, where necessary, of the individual authors.

Brands and domains

All trademarks and distinctive signs on the Site, also to distinguish individual products, are the exclusive property of Marzotto Lab srl or licensed to it by another company of the Marzotto Group, which has the right to make exclusive use of the aforementioned trademarks . Therefore, any unauthorized, unauthorized and/or unlawful use is strictly prohibited and entails legal consequences. It is in no way permitted to use these trademarks and any other distinctive sign present on the Site to unduly, even indirectly, take advantage of the distinctive character or reputation of the Marzotto Group trademarks or in such a way as to cause damage to them and their owners.

The domain, as well as the various variations and subdomains are the property of Marzotto Lab srl. No use, albeit indirect, is permitted, unless specifically authorized in writing by the owners.

Links to third party websites and third party links to the Site

The Site may contain hyperlinks (the "links") to other websites that have no connection with the Site. MLAB does not control or monitor these websites and therefore does not guarantee their contents or data management in any way. The user must therefore carefully read the conditions of use of the third party sites visited and the relative privacy policies, as these Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy refer only to the Site.

On the contrary, the activation of links on third party sites towards the Site is possible only with the prior consent and authorization of MLAB, which can be requested by contacting the same at the aforementioned address, or by writing to the email address of unauthorized links will legitimize MLAB to act for the immediate deactivation of illegitimate links and for the eventual recognition of the related commercial practice or unfair competition or action to the detriment of the good name and reputation of the manager, its products and its companies group. In any case, the activation of deep hypertext links (such as deep frames or deep links) to the Site or the unauthorized use of meta-tags is prohibited.


Access, use and navigation of the Site are activities that can be freely conducted by users exclusively for personal use and in no way related to any commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity. The use and navigation of the Site are carried out by the user in total autonomy and therefore MLAB cannot be held responsible for incorrect use of the Site. Therefore, if any download activity involves damage to the device used or loss of data, no liability may be attributed to MLAB except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence.

MLAB also declines all responsibility for any damage deriving from inaccessibility to the services on the Site or service interruptions, deletion of contents, problems connected to the network, providers or telephone and/or telematic connections, unauthorized access, alteration of data , failure and/or malfunction of the user's electronic equipment.

The user is responsible for the custody and correct use of his personal information, including the credentials that allow access to the reserved services, as well as for any harmful consequence or prejudice that may arise against MLAB or third parties following the incorrect use, loss, theft of such information.

MLAB has taken all reasonable precautions to avoid the publication on the Site of contents and images that may be considered harmful to decency, human rights and dignity of people, in all possible forms and expressions. In any case, if the aforementioned contents are considered harmful to religious or ethical sensitivity or decorum, the interested user is requested to communicate this condition to MLAB (by writing to the email box, which however warns that any any access to content considered to be harmful or offensive takes place by the user at his own unquestionable judgment and at his exclusive and personal responsibility.

MLAB has also taken every useful precaution so that all the information on the Site is correct, complete and updated, however the same does not assume any responsibility towards users for the accuracy and completeness of the contents published on the Site, except as otherwise provided by the law. If a user encounters errors or lack of updates to the information on the Site, he is requested to notify MLAB using the email

Applicable law and dispute resolution

These General Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law. In the event of disputes arising from the General Conditions of Use between MLAB and the user, the online Alternative Dispute Resolution body of the Milan Chamber of Commerce ( ) may be consulted.

These General Conditions of Use may be updated or modified by MLAB over time. These changes will enter into force as soon as they are published on the Site and, therefore, the user is advised to view this document regularly.

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